Tax Exemption
Are you a tax exempt parish or organization? If so, please follow the instructions below in order to create your tax exempt account.
If you would like to place the order today, we can always refund you the tax once you have provided your Tax Exempt Number and completed the steps below. Please note, personal purchases are not eligible for tax exempt status, only orders shipped to a business or organization with a valid tax exempt status.
New Customer Account Setup
- Prior to placing your order create an account by clicking here
- Email with your Tax Exempt Number
- You will be notified when your tax exempt account is setup, usually within 24 hours.
Past Purchases
- Create an account using the email address you placed the order with
- Email with your Tax Exempt Number and Order Number(s)
- You will be notified when your card has been refunded the tax you paid.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact
Thank you for your support!