978-1-61671-752-0 | Paperback | 8 x 10 | 144 pages | Language: English | Copyright Year: 2024
Individuals and groups can find a deeper understanding of the Sunday Scriptures in At Home with the Word®: read, ponder, discuss, act, and pray every week.
Sherri L. Brown Tat-siong Benny Liew
At Home with the Word® guides readers to a deeper understanding of the Sunday Scriptures, providing the readings for this liturgical year, insights from Scripture scholars, and action steps to help parishioners fully connect with the readings from Mass. The resource also includes prayers, citations for weekday readings, and access to additional reflection questions and action steps for families, Christian initiation groups, and adult faith-sharing groups that can be downloaded from the LTP website. Bulk pricing makes At Home with the Word® an economical resource to provide to large groups.